How Not to Be Stupid When Building GenAI Apps

Shekhar Gulati
3 min readAug 1, 2024


The rapid evolution of Generative AI (GenAI) has opened new doors for innovation, but it also brings a unique set of challenges. Building GenAI applications can feel like venturing into a fairy tale filled with both wondrous possibilities and dire pitfalls. Just as you should never trust a genie without caution, the same principle applies to GenAI. In this blog, we’ll explore crucial best practices around cost, accuracy, and latency, ensuring your development journey is both successful and responsible.

The Cost Conundrum

1. Always Factor in Costs

In the world of GenAI, costs can vary dramatically based on the model you choose. “There are orders of magnitude in difference between the cost of certain models.” As you select a model, it’s essential to weigh its financial implications against your application’s needs. Larger and more sophisticated models tend to be more expensive, both to implement and operate.

2. Choose Wisely

“Greed is the downfall of many a character in fairy tales.” This holds true when selecting your GenAI model. You don’t need the biggest, fastest model for every task. For many use cases, a smaller model will suffice and save you money. Think critically about your requirements and select a model that balances performance with cost.

Prioritizing Accuracy

3. Define Your Use Case Clearly

Before diving into development, establish a clear use case. “We need to have a clear use case.” Know what you want to achieve and set objectives for your application. This clarity will guide your decisions on metrics and model selection, ensuring that you don’t chase after the wrong solutions.

4. Test with Real Data

“Until you test it with your own data, you don’t really know.” Benchmarks can be misleading. It’s crucial to test your model with relevant data to gauge its accuracy in real-world scenarios. This not only highlights the strengths and weaknesses of your model but also provides insights for further optimization.

5. Use Metrics Wisely

Metrics like toxicity, bias, and summarization are essential for measuring a model’s performance. “Select the metrics based on your objectives.” Don’t just rely on standard metrics; customize them to fit your unique application needs. This will help you maintain a high level of accuracy.

Managing Latency

6. Monitor Latency Closely

“Latency is an essential factor.” As you integrate more advanced models, latency can become a concern. Monitor the performance of your system to identify bottlenecks. Be conscious of where latency might spike — especially when introducing complex models or large datasets.

7. Optimize Your Workflow

Be proactive in optimizing your system’s architecture. “There are three key areas to monitor.” Focus on how your models interact with databases, APIs, and the overall architecture. Each of these components can introduce latency, so streamline communication and ensure efficient data flow.

Best Practices for Development

8. Don’t Trust User Inputs Blindly

“Never trust the genie.” When integrating user inputs into your GenAI applications, always sanitize and validate this data. Prompt injection attacks can occur if you allow unfiltered inputs to interact with your model directly. Implement rigorous checks to prevent malicious actions.

9. Create Robust Guardrails

“Watch your back and watch your front.” Build multiple layers of security into your application. Implement checks for common vulnerabilities and ensure that your models operate within defined boundaries. This will help protect your system from unexpected input and potential security threats.

10. Embrace Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

RAG can greatly enhance the performance of your GenAI application. Instead of relying solely on the model’s internal knowledge, integrate a knowledge base that can provide contextually relevant information. This not only improves accuracy but also reduces costs and latency by optimizing resource usage.


Embarking on the journey of building GenAI applications doesn’t have to be a gamble. By following these best practices, you can mitigate risks related to cost, accuracy, and latency. Always remember that “all magic has a price,” and be deliberate in your planning and execution.

As you venture into this exciting field, think like a hero in a story — make informed choices, validate your resources, and prioritize the needs of your users. With these strategies in place, you can harness the power of Generative AI to create applications that are both magical and responsible. Good luck on your adventure!

